Grizzly G0514X User Manual

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G0514X/-X2/-X2B/-X3 (Mfg. Since 2/12)

crate contents (figure 12–14): Qty

A. Bandsaw (not shown) ................................. 1

B. table ........................................................... 1

c. Miter gauge ................................................ 1

D. Back square tube ...................................... 1

E. resaw Fence ............................................. 1

f. Front rail ................................................... 1

G. Fence assembly ......................................... 1

h. sliding plate.................................................1

I. table tilt handwheel ...................................1

J. guide post handwheel................................1

hardware and Tools (not shown):


Bandsaw Blade 6 tpi hook 143" ................1

eye Bolt M10-1.5 (may be installed) ............1

Flat Washers 8mm

(table, sliding plate, Fence) .......................7

lock Washers 8mm (table) ........................4

hex Bolts M8-1.25 x 25 (table) ...................4

hex Bolt M8-1.25 x 55 (sliding plate) ..........1

lock nut M8-1.25 (sliding plate) .................1

Cap screws M6-1 x 12 (sliding plate) .........2

hex Bolt M8-1.25 x 90 (pos. stop) ..............1

hex nuts M8-1.25 (pos. stop, Fence) .........2

table pin......................................................1

table insert ..................................................1

Cap screws M6-1 x 16 (Fence) ...................2

hex Bolts M6-1 x 20 (Fence) .......................2

Fence handle M8-1.25 x 22 (Fence) ...........1

rail pad M6 x 18 (Fence) ............................1

hex nut M6-1 (Fence) .................................1

lock handle M8-1.25 x 44 (Fence) .............1

Moving plate (Fence)...................................1

lock Washers 6mm (Fence, sliding plate) .4

Flat Washers 6mm (Fence, sliding plate) ...4

hex Wrench 5mm & 8mm ..................... 1 ea

open end Wrench 10 x 13mm ....................1

G0514X2 & G0514X3



If you cannot find an item on this list, care-

fully check around/inside the machine and

packaging materials. Often, these items get

lost in packaging materials while unpack-

ing or they are pre-installed at the factory.

The following is a list of items shipped with your
machine. Before beginning setup, lay these items
out and inventory them.

If any non-proprietary parts are missing (e.g. a
nut or a washer), we will gladly replace them; or
for the sake of expediency, replacements can be
obtained at your local hardware store.


figure 13. Fence components.





figure 14. table tilt components.




figure 12. Bandsaw components.