Edid management quick start guide – Gefen 8x8 EXT-DVI-848 User Manual
Page 22
To use EDID Management functions, the EDID mode must be changed from
Pass-Through to LOCAL. Please follow the steps below to set this mode.
NOTE: LOCAL EDID mode does not support HDCP.
1. Locate Bank C on the underside of the 8x8 DVI Matrix.
2. Each input has a DIP switch associated with it. Select the inputs that will be
changed to LOCAL mode and fl ip their DIP switch to the ON position. By
default, all DIP switches are in the Pass-Through mode (OFF).
Once the selected inputs are in LOCAL mode an EDID can then be set for each
input. Follow the commands below to quickly load an EDID into the LOCAL bank
of each input. These instructions use the Windows application Hyperterminal. For
details on these and other RS-232 commands please see appendix B.
1. Connect a computer to the 8x8 DVI Matrix’s RS-232 port.
2. Use the RS-232 settings on page 15 to open a connection with the 8x8 DVI
Matrix from the computer using the Hyperterminal application.
3. To store an EDID of a connected display into a LOCAL storage location, type
in the following command:
This example will store the EDID from the monitor connected to output
A to input 1. Simply modify the monitor and input characters to route any
monitor’s EDID to any input’s LOCAL storage.
This command supports multiple LOCAL storage parameters. For example,
to store the EDID from the monitor connected to the output A to the LOCAL
storage locations for all inputs (1 through 8), type the following command:
#EDIDDSTOLO A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4. To check the EDID of a connected monitor, type the following command:
This example will check the EDID from the monitor connected to output A.
Simply modify the monitor character (A-H) to check a different output
monitor’s EDID.
5. To check the EDID stored in any input’s LOCAL storage, type the following
This example will check the EDID that is stored in the LOCAL storage bank
for input 1. Simply modify the input character (1-8) to check a different
input’s stored LOCAL EDID.