Gossen SI 232-II User Manual
Gossen Hardware
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- 2 System Requirements as from software version 5.0 (32 Bit)
- 3 Multimeter, Adapter and METRAwin 10 Operating Modes
- 3.1 General Information
- 3.2 Saving Measurement Data to Memory in the Multimeter
- 3.3 Reading Out the Multimeter’s Memory
- 3.4 Configuring Multimeter Parameters
- 3.5 Receiving Live Measurement Data from the DMM
- 3.6 Saving Measurement Data to the SI232/-II Memory Adapter
- 3.7 Reading Out Measurement Data from the SI232/-II/-II Memory Adapter and Configuring Adapter Parameters
- 4 Adapter Connection and Initial Start-Up
- 5 Operating Elements, Switching the Adapter ON and OFF, Replacing the Batteries
- 6 Operating Instructions at a Glance
- 7 Menu Item Descriptions
- 7.1 Set Sampling Rate - rAtE
- 7.2 Set Hysteresis - HYSt
- 7.3 Trigger Settings - triG
- 7.4 Recording: Duration and Type - durA, CYCLE
- 7.5 Internal Time - timE
- 7.6 Select Address and Modem Option - Addr, ModEM
- 7.7 Set Transmission Speed - bAud-ou, bAud-in
- 7.8 Start / Interrupt / Stop Data Recording - StorE, LAbEL
- 7.9 View Data at the Adapter - reCAll
- 7.10 Reading Out Data from the Adapter at the PC / Parameter Configurations - PC
- 7.11 Live Measurement Data Transmission from the Multimeter to the PC - onlinE
- 7.12 Clear the Memory - CLEAr
- 7.13 Query General Information - inFo
- 8 METRAwin 10
- 9 Memory Adapter Technical Data
- 10 Repair and Replacement Parts Service DKD Calibration Lab and Rental Instrument Service
- 11 Product Support