Controls and features – FORD 2002 Explorer User Manual
Page 68

AM/FM select
The AM/FM select control works in
radio, tape and CD modes.
AM/FM select in radio mode
This control allows you to select AM or FM frequency bands. Press the
control to switch between AM, FM1 or FM2 memory preset stations.
AM/FM select in tape mode
Press this control to stop tape play and begin radio play.
AM/FM select in CD mode
Press this control to stop CD play and begin radio play.
Tune adjust
The tune control works in radio mode.
Tune adjust in radio mode
• Press
to move to the next
frequency down the band
(whether or not a listenable
station is located there). Hold the control to move through the
frequencies quickly.
• Press
to move to the next frequency up the band (whether or not
a listenable station is located there). Hold for quick movement.
Seek function
The seek function control works in radio, tape or CD mode.
Seek function in radio mode
• Press
to find the next
listenable station down the
frequency band.
• Press
to find the next listenable station up the frequency band.
Seek function in tape mode
• Press
to listen to the previous selection on the tape.
• Press
to listen to the next selection on the tape.
Controls and features