Field Controls TM-2000 User Manual

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b. If the TM-2000 water supply is connected downstream of a water softener, re-install the saddle valve to a location

upstream of the water softener. It may be necessary to leave the original valve in place, and install a new valve in
the preferred location.

4. Nearest water supply is more than 10' from TM-2000 location.

a. If the nearest water supply is more than 10' from the TM-2000 location, it is recommended that the water connection

be made using only copper tubing of the same size (1/4" O.D.). Tubing is available at most hardware stores.

5. TM-2000 is not spraying a fine mist of water.

a. Make sure that saddle valve is completely open.
b. Replace nozzle and water inlet filter. Do not attempt to clean either component.

6. Dripping moisture accumulates inside the duct system.

a. This is likely caused by impingement of the water mist on surrounding surfaces. It is recommended that the

remote nozzle bracket be located in a position which satisfies the minimum space requirement (1 cu. ft.). It is
possible that even though the minimum space requirement is met, moisture formation will occur. The air flow
characteristics at the existing location may not be suitable for proper evaporation of the spray.

b. The water inlet filter or nozzle may be clogged which can result in a poor spray pattern which will not properly

evaporate. If this is the case, replace the water inlet filter and nozzle.

7. Not enough humidity within the house.

a. The water inlet filter or nozzle may be clogged preventing proper humidification.
b. The nozzle size may be too small for the size of home being humidified. Review the nozzle capacity chart for

selection of an alternative.

8. TM-2000 leaks when not operating.

a. Check all fittings for proper tightness.
b. The internal valve may not be sealing properly due to sediment build up on the valve seat. Contact Field Controls

for replacement.

9. TM-2000 "ON" light comes on but unit does not spray.

a. Saddle valve is not open.
b. Water inlet filter or nozzle clogged.
c. Faulty internal valve. Contact Field Controls for replacement.

10. Nozzle drips while spraying, or drips after the TM-2000 has shut off.

a. A few drips out of the nozzle at shut down of the TM-2000 is normal.
b. Nozzle drips continuously during operation, the water inlet filter or nozzle is becoming clogged. Replace both as necessary.
c. If the nozzle drips continuously after shut down of the TM-2000, it is likely due to a faulty internal valve. Contact

Field Controls for replacement.

11. Water flow observed in the drain tube during or after operation.

a. This is likely the result of a clogged water inlet filter, clogged nozzle or a faulty internal valve. This would cause

the nozzle to drip regularly which would drain through the drain tube. This condition is indicative of a problem
such as those listed above. Normally, there should be very little, if any, water flow through the drain tube.











Table 3

Replacement Nozzle Kit*

Accessory Parts List

0.65 GPH



Inlet Filter Kit


1.00 GPH



EK-1 Extender Kit


1.35 GPH



45° Brass Elbow


*See Table 1 for nozzle selection specifications. Humidistat


Air Booster Activator


10 ft. Plastic tubing


.65 Nozzle


1.00 Nozzle


1.35 Nozzle


Saddle Valve Kit


For current pricing or to place an order, go to

Field Control’s website or call Field Control’s
Customer Service at 252-522-3031.

VISA and Mastercard orders ONLY. No checks,
cash, COD’s, or money orders will be accepted.

Saddle Valve