Farallon Communications 612 User Manual
Page 114

Netopia ISDN Modem User’s Guide
on the screen after command execution. You may select the form of
result codes sent by the ISDN modem (ATV0 or ATV1), or you may
issue the ATQ1 command and disable the result codes. If the ISDN
modem’s result code settings are turned off, you will not see the
result codes on your computer screen.
Command parameters
Many of the AT commands require you to specify a value along with
the AT command in order to clarify the command function. For
example, ATV is the command for selecting the result code format.
When issuing a command with a parameter, type the value after the
AT command, for example ATV0 (this command enables shor t form
result codes).
S registers
The S registers control how the modem responds to your phone line
and computer. Generally, it is not necessar y to alter register values
when you are using communications software. The software
controls the registers as you issue commands. However, direct
access to the S registers allows you to customize and control your
modem for ever y application.