Probe resistance chart, For use with protector, 13 ato (automatic top-off) service procedures – Frymaster FOOTPRINT 8196345 User Manual

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relay marking the wires to ease reassembly. Once replaced, reconnect the power. When replacing a
filter relay in the transformer, ensure the 24VAC relay (8070012) is used.

1.12 Probe Resistance Chart

Probe Resistance Chart

For use with Protector


Series fryers manufactured with Minco Thermistor probes only.


60 1059 16

130 1204 54 200 1350 93

270 1493 132

340 1634 171

65 1070 18

135 1216 57 205 1361 96

275 1503 135

345 1644 174

70 1080 21

140 1226 60 210 1371 99

280 1514 138

350 1654 177

75 1091 24

145 1237 63

215 1381 102

285 1524 141

355 1664 179

80 1101 27

150 1247 66

220 1391 104

290 1534 143

360 1674 182

85 1112 29

155 1258 68

225 1402 107

295 1544 146

365 1684 185

90 1122 32

160 1268 71

230 1412 110

300 1554 149

370 1694 188

95 1133 35

165 1278 74

235 1422 113

305 1564 152

375 1704 191

100 1143 38 170 1289 77

240 1432 116

310 1574 154

380 1714 193

105 1154 41 175 1299 79

245 1442 118

315 1584 157

385 1724 196

110 1164 43 180 1309 82

250 1453 121

320 1594 160

390 1734 199

115 1174 46 185 1320 85

255 1463 124

325 1604 163

395 1744 202

120 1185 49 190 1330 88

260 1473 127

330 1614 166

400 1754 204

125 1195 52 195 1340 91

265 1483 129

335 1624 168

405 1764 207

1.13 ATO (Automatic Top-Off) Service Procedures

The automatic top-off system is activated when the oil level falls below a sensor in the rear of the
frypot. The signal is sent to the ATO board to engage the solenoid to the frypot and turn on the
ATO pump. The pump draws oil from the JIB (Jug In Box) to a port in the rear of the frypot. Once
the oil level has satisfied the sensor, the pump and solenoid turn off.

The ATO board is located inside the box, behind the JIB (see Figure 1).
The power for the ATO board is supplied from the transformer box. The
power passes through the transformer inside the ATO box to the board.

Figure 1