Page 42

Limitations and known bugs
Recommended actions
There are some differences in behavior of MIB between SNMP agents of SMA and
z sysObjectID (MIB to show system device type)
SEA shows the value as “enterprises.”, however, SMA shows the value as
z snmpEnableAuthenTraps (MIB to show permission of trap of authorization
SEA shows the value as “enabled(1)”, however, SMA shows the value as
z ifSpeed (MIB for supported bandwidth speed of the network interface)
The results may be different between SEA and SMA.
z ifType
The results may be different between SEA and SMA.
Use SEA instead of SMA. The following disables SMA and enables only SEA.
1) Stop SMA and rename rc startup script of SMA.
# /etc/init.d/init.sma stop
# mv /etc/rc3.d/S82initsma /etc/rc3.d/_S82initsma
2) Rename /etc/rc3.d/S75seaport
# mv /etc/rc3.d/S75seaport /etc/rc3.d/_S75seaport
3) Set port number from 16161 to 161 for SEA in /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.reg
4) Create configuration files for SEA
# cp /etc/snmp/conf/mibiisa.rsrc- /etc/snmp/conf/mibiisa.rsrc
# cp /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.acl /etc/snmp/conf/mibiisa.acl
5) Restart SEA
# /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx stop
# /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx start
The following error messages might be logged in SMF service log file.
ERROR: Restarter: Ignoring REMOVE_INSTANCE command for unknown
service svc:/TEMP/{FMRI}.
Ignore these messages. They have no impact on the system.
Packages that contain SMF service can not be removed using pkgrm(1M)
-R option from the other boot system,and the following messages are displayed during
the next system boot.
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Hostname: host-name
Starting SCF daemon.
svc.startd[7]: svc:/system/fjsvabc:default: Method "/lib/svc/method/fjsvabc" failed
with exit status 1.
svc.startd[7]: svc:/system/fjsvabc:default: Method "/lib/svc/method/fjsvabc" failed
with exit status 1.
svc.startd[7]: svc:/system/fjsvabc:default: Method "/lib/svc/method/fjsvabc" failed
with exit status 1.
[ system/fjsvabc:default failed (see 'svcs -x' for details) ]
-R option for pkgrm (1M) has a limitation for packages that include SMF service.
Remove the package on the local file system after booting the remote image.