Harman Stove Company Harman Stove The Harman Magnum Stoker User Manual

Page 10

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Timer settings shown above will perform well in most cases.

Verti-Flow Stoker Control

This section describes the features and opera-

tions of The Harman Verti-Flow Stoker Control.
The timers are adjustable from 0 minutes to 15
minutes in 1 minute steps. There are red lights on the
front panel to show proper operation of the timer.
One indicator shows power is applied to the unit.
The other 3 indicators show when power is available
at the adjacent receptacle.

The stoker control will be mounted on the side

panel of the feeder directly below the coal hopper.
The three receptacles and switch will be facing
forward. The power cord, 3 AMP fuse access port
and the thermostat connections to the rear.

The top receptacle provides power to the coal

feeder motor. Thus, the plug from the coal feeder
motor should be inserted into this receptacle.

The center receptacle provides power for the

combustion blower motor. Thus, the plug from the
combustion blower should be inserted into this

The bottom receptacle provides power for the

distribution blower motor. Thus, this final receptacle
should be connected to the plug from the distribution
blower motor.

Restricter Plate

Fine Tuning Draft

With fire burning and stablized

take draft reading in flue pipe and note
the reading. Next take a reading in the
fire box by removing the bolt in the front
center of the unit.

While watching the draft meter,

close the restricter plate on the combus-
tion blower slowly, until the needle
reads about the same as it did on the
flue. An example would be a flue read-
ing of .05 and a firebox reading of .02.
Close the restricter plate until the
firebox reading is .04 to.05. Closing the
restricter plate will reduce the positive
pressure from the blower and increase
the negative pressure in the firebox.


If draft is at .00, carbon monoxide
will escape into the room. Too
much carbon monoxide can kill