Tips & tricks – Honeywell Q7055A User Manual

Page 49

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EN1B-0198GE51 R0801


Tips & Tricks

Tip 1

To simplify downloading, we re-
commend reducing (renaming) the
application firmware image name to
the base name of the image in the FTP-
Server publication directory, e.g.
rename bna_susi_server_v1.0.0.bin to

This has the advantage that even when
updates or upgrades of the application
firmware are delivered, no change is
necessary in each BNA download

Tip 2

The BNA Bootloader command shell is
able to execute commands in a sub-
shell directly. For example, it is possible
to invoke the command display in sub-
command shell np directly from the
BNA Bootloader prompt. Just call:

BNA bootloader>

np display

followed by .

Tip 3

The BNA Bootloader command shell
allows execution of more than one
command by using a “;” between two
commands, e.g.: np display; dc display
. When one of the commands
fails, execution is stopped at this point.