Honeywell Q7055A User Manual
Page 35

EN1B-0198GE51 R0801
individually. After having entered all
requested information it will be asked
whether to take over the new settings.
If this is denied the old settings will be
restored. Otherwise, the new settings
are stored to the Flash memory. These
settings are immediately active.
delete download configuration. After
this operation command load can’t be
used anymore. New download con-
figuration definitions must be entered
using the command modify.
tests current download configuration.
This command can be used to check
whether the entered download
configuration is valid or not.
With the command test, optional
command-line parameters are allowed.
Accepted parameters are FTP-Server IP-
Address and/or a filename for checking
existence. Given command-line
parameters are temporarily
superseding the values in the actual
download configuration.
With some Windows NT
based FTP-Servers it has been
observed that this command fails
sometimes the first time. If so, we
recommend trying it for a second time.
After that the conclusion that one of