iSys V8.5e Thermal Printer User Manual
Page 47

Cleaning the thermal printhead
After prolonged use, the thermal printhead picks up fibres from the media passing under it. These fine fibres
collect and compact on portions of the printhead, blocking the contact it makes with the paper during a plot and
causing faded patches. Poor contact between
the printhead and paper may also cause the affected heating elements (nibs) to fail prematurely because of
improper heat dissipation to the paper.
Clean the printhead every time you install a new roll of paper or film.
1. Turn the plotter power off.
Figure 6-1
2. Moisten (do not soak) a soft, lint-free cloth or cotton swab with 99% pure isopropyl alcohol. Rub gently along
the length of the printhead, removing any buildup of residue on the printhead.
3. Allow the alcohol to evaporate completely before using the plotter.
Do not touch the printhead with your fingers or other objects. Skin oil will contaminate the printhead,
which diminishes plot quality and shortens the life span of the printhead.
Den Druckkopf nicht mit den Fingern oder irgendwelchen Gegenständen berühren. Fett oder Öl
verschmutzt den Druckkopf, wodurch die Druckqualität vermindert und die Lebensdauer des Druckkopfes verkürzt