Manual operation – Irritrol MC-E User Manual
Page 33

Step 4 – Repeat steps 1 through 3 to start other programs semi-automatically. The controller will allow the semi-
automatic programs to overlap or run concurrently.
Step 5 - To turn off selected programs’ semi-automatic runs, turn the dial to SET PROGRAM , enter the Program’s
number and then press
. This will turn off only the selected program. Other semiautomatic runs are
unaffected. Return the dial to AUTO/RUN
To turn off all ongoing operations, turn the dial to RAIN OFF. Return the dial to AUTO/RUN
leave the controller in automatic mode.
Manual Operation
The MC-E provides True Manual operation feature for unscheduled station activation. With True Manual, the selected
station will then water until you turn it off or until the controller’s current time reaches midnight. As a safety precaution,
the controller is programmed to halt Manual watering at midnight. When Manual is in operation, MC-E will beep every
30 seconds to indicate active operation.
Activate Station Manually
Step 1 – Place the Function Dial to the Manual position.
Step 2 – Enter the station number you want to activate. Press the
button to activate.
Only one station can be manually activated, multiple station activation is not allowed.
Example: Activate Station 5. Enter
and press the
IMPORTANT! The MC-E “True Manual” feature requires you to turn the operation off once activated.
Otherwise, the manual operation is designed to activate until midnight. Notice that the displayed manual
operation runtime will always end at midnight.
You can move the station number back or forward by pressing the
Step 3 – Return the Function dial to AUTO/RUN
position to deactivate manual operation and place the controller
back to Auto Run mode.
Manual watering has the least priority. If a scheduled program activated the maximum available
active stations, then Manual operation will not run. When the maximum allowed active stations is reached
while manual operation and scheduled program are running, the Manually activated stations will deactivate to
accommodate the stations in the automatic program.