Limiters mixer (basic tab), Limiters mixer, Basic tab) – Omnia Audio Omnia.11 User Manual
Page 76

Attack (Attack Time): The attack control adjusts how fast the limiter’s “faster” component responds to sudden
increases in audio level, and higher numbers equate to faster response times. Faster attack times reduce the transient
nature of the input audio, while slower attack times improve it. Extremely slow attack times must be used with
caution because the following clipper stage may be forced to work too hard, causing excessive distortion. Extremely
fast attack times must also be used with caution because they may make the audio sound too compressed and
lifeless, losing too much of its natural dynamic character.
Release (Release Time): The release control adjusts how fast the limiter’s “slower” component recovers from
periods of more gain reduction. Faster release times (higher numbers) result in a more dense sound. Setting the
control for extremely fast release times can result in increased distortion or ‘pumping’. Extremely slow release times
can result in loss of loudness and frequency balance issues when the program levels drop.
Gate (Gate Threshold): When the input audio falls below a certain level, the gain control action of the limiter stage
is “frozen” by the gate. The level at which this freeze, or hold takes place is controlled by the setting of the Gate
Threshold control. Higher numbers cause the gate to activate at higher audio levels, causing increased overall gating
It is normal to see much less gating activity in the limiters, unlike the AGCs since the limiters operate much faster
and average levels are already controlled before reaching the limiter section. You will see more limiter gating
activity when hitting the limiters harder, especially on dynamic material such as speech where they will help keep
things sounding natural.
Limiters Mixer
(Basic Tab)
This is the final mixer that sums the 6 limiter bands and sends the peak limited audio to the final FM pre-emphasis
and limiter/clipper stages.
Care should be used when adjusting this section, as
too much level from any particular band could
cause an excessive amount of clipping distortion to
that range of frequencies.
Adjusting all 6 controls an equal amount is
virtually the same as adjusting the clipper Drive
control in the FM menu.
If your desire is to provide some custom “EQ” to
the sound, it is better to perform that function using
the XO controls instead of the Mixer controls.
Like the Limiter Threshold controls, the final
Mixer is mainly for minor “fine polish” to the
overall sound. Adjustments in this section must be
done with extreme care.
Limiters Mixer Menu (Basic Tab)