0 mounting – Interlink Electronics VersaPad PS2 User Manual
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PS2 VersaPad®
Integration Guide
5.0 Mounting
A general bezel mounting method as shown in figure 3 is one possible way to mount the
VersaPad Module. Mechanical installation of the VersaPad module has many critical
features that must be considered for mounting. In particular, care should be taken to avoid
inadvertent pressure on the top membrane of the sensor as such pressure could be
confused with a user’s external touch. The membrane is supported at its edge by an internal
spacer, shown in figure 4 as the dashed line. Parts used to capture the VersaPad module
must not make contact with the sensor inside the electrically active area. A general 3D CAD
model of Interlink’s suggested mounting method and geometry can be found on our website
Figure 3: VersaPad Module Bezel Mounting Concept