Initialize reset – shp: deletes the entire conten – Henry Engineering DigiStor MP User Manual
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7.1.14 INITIALIZE RESET – SHP: Deletes the entire contents of the memory and resets system settings to factory
defaults. This command will erase the entire memory and reset all of the configurable settings to those
specified in the Product Specification.
Example: SHP
Because of the time required to erase FLASH memory, the system may take several seconds before
becoming available to receive new commands.
7.1.15 STOP – STP: Stops message playback or record functions.
Example: STP
7.1.16 STATUS – STS: Displays Play status messages.
Example: STS
7.1.17 SYSTEM – SYS: Displays System information.
Example: SYS
7.1.18 TREBLE LEVEL – TRE: Sets treble level of audio playback
Syntax: TRExx where xx is 0 thru +12 or 0 thru -12. Default is 0.
Example: TRE+6 sets treble level to “plus 6”.
7.1.19 UPLOAD – ULD: Uploads message from DigiStor to computer (1K-Xmodem).
Syntax: ULDxx where xx is message #, 0 thru 99.
Example: ULD25 uploads message #25 to computer.
AUDIO FILE FORMATS Audio files recorded on a PC should be in MPEG format, Layer I, II, or III.
Sample rates supported include 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz. Fixed bit rates of 32, 64, and 128 kbps are supported, as
well as variable bit rate files. Files should be monaural (single channel). If a stereo file is downloaded to DigiStor-
MP, only the left channel will be reproduced. Transferring files will require third party software to control various
aspects of the file transfer process (specify COM port, etc). Be sure that the communication parameters are set as
follows: RS-232; Baud rate: 9600; 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.
8.1 USING DIGISTOR-MP FOR MESSAGE-ON-HOLD To use DigiStor-MP for message-on-hold, record
message #1 as usual. Set CONFIG switches #1 & 2 DN, and provide a maintained closure between P1 pins 1 and
2 to start playback. Feed audio from DigiStor-MP to the "Music-On-Hold" input of phone system.
8.2 USING DIGISTOR-MP ON A TELEPHONE LINE: DigiStor-MP can be used to automatically answer a
telephone line and play a message(s) to the caller. For this operation, the optional Tele-Coupler is required.
Contact Henry Engineering for more information.
9.0 MEMORY TEST Use this procedure to clear the system memory of previously recorded messages or to test
and verify the system memory:
1. Remove DC power from DigiStor-MP.
2. Press and HOLD the RECORD SETUP button while restoring power to the system. Continue to hold the
Record Setup button until the RECORD LED remains ON, then release. The Record LED will remain ON, and the
Message # LEDs will cycle while the system runs an audio memory test. This process could take up to 25 minutes.
3. When Record LED turns OFF, memory test is complete.
4. To abort the memory test, remove then re-apply power.
10.0 ERASING MESSAGES: Individual Message #s can be erased by simply recording a message that is less
than 250ms in length. This short recording will instruct the system to erase the data from that message location.