Henry Engineering DigiStor MP User Manual

Page 2

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4.0 SETTING THE CONFIG SWITCHES (NOTE: CONFIG switches affect playback via GPI remote control only.)
DigiStor-MP has numerous modes of operation that can be programmed with the 8 CONFIG switches. The
switches are numbered from left to right, 1 thru 8. When DigiStor-MP is shipped, all CONFIG switches are UP,
setting the unit for normal "default" operation. NOTE: The CONFIG switches are "read" by the system only during
power-up. Changing any CONFIG switches while the system is powered up will have no effect unless the system is
shut down, then powered-up again. (UP=switch is up; DN=switch is down.)

REPEAT MODES: Switches #1 and #2 select the number of times a message plays when triggered, as follows:

#1 #2



Play message 1 time



Play message 2 times



Play message 3 times



Play message 4 times

Switch #3 selects the Record mode.



NORMAL Record mode enabled. See Section 6.2 for details.


PRIORITY Record mode enabled. See Section 6.3 for details.

Switch #4 selects the operation of the primary PLAY RELAY, as follows:



PLAY relay stays CLOSED while message is playing.


PLAY relay generates 500ms "EOM" pulse when message stops playing.

PLAY MODE: Switches #5 and #6 select the playback mode of "message sequences". A "message sequence"

equals the message audio times the number of plays as selected by CONFIG Switches #1 & #2.
#5 #6



Standard operation. See text below for details.



Play one sequence per closure. See text below for details.



Play while active. See text below for details.



Re-trigger. See text below for details.

Standard operation: A momentary contact closure causes the system to play one sequence of the message
selected. If the contact closure is maintained, the system will continuously play that sequence until the input is
released, at which time the system will finish the current playback sequence and then stop.
If multiple inputs are held active (maintained closures) the system will play one sequence of the first message, then
cycle through the other messages sequentially, based on the order in which they were activated. This is known as
"message stacking". (Lower message #s will have priority should multiple inputs be activated at exactly the same
time.) Momentary closures will be ignored while any message is playing via a maintained closure.

Play one sequence per closure: If a message input is maintained, the system will only play the message sequence
one time. The system will wait for the input to go inactive for 100ms before it will recognize that input for another
trigger. Other play activations will be serviced normally, even with another input held active indefinitely.
This mode supports "message cueuing". Message cueuing allows the user to input multiple momentary activations
to DigiStor-MP, causing each message to play in the order it was triggered. The queue length is a maximum of 16
messages. A single message can be queued to play more than once. A STOP command will stop the message
that is currently playing, and when released, the next message in the queue will begin playing. If multiple inputs are
held active (maintained closures), the system will play each message sequence once then stop.

Play while active: Upon receiving a maintained input signal, the message will continue to play for the duration the
input is held active. If the input signal is removed prior to the end of the message sequence, the system will
immediately abort the playback sequence. If the input is sustained after the current playing sequence has
completed, another sequence will begin. If multiple inputs are maintained active, the system will only play the
active message and then repeat. (This mode does not support message queuing.)

Re-trigger: This mode allows playing messages to be interrupted by another incoming message, or another
triggering of the same message. If a message is currently playing and another message trigger is received, the
currently playing message will be terminated and the new message will begin playback. A maintained input will
only play the sequence one time and then stop. If multiple inputs are activated at the same time, only the lower
numbered message will play. (This mode does not support message queuing.)