Priority – pri: messages can be enabled or disabl, Record – rec: records new messages or overwrites – Henry Engineering DigiStor MP User Manual

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7.1.11 PRIORITY – PRI: Messages can be enabled or disabled using this command. Normal conditions will

warrant each message to have a “1” priority meaning they are active. If a message is set for “0”, then it is
considered inactive and will not be played in the sequential mode or when a PLY command is issued
relating to that message number.

Syntax: PRImsg,status

msg is the message location (1 thru 99), status is the priority, 1 being Active and 0 being Inactive

Example: PRI5,0 will establish message five as inactive.

Each message will default with a priority of “1” after it is recorded. Disabled messages are displayed as a
“DD” when the message directory is listed.

7.1.12 RECORD – REC: Records new messages or overwrites existing messages in the DigiStor. The Record

command can be open ended, meaning that recording will continue indefinitely until it is stopped by using
the Stop (STP) command.

Syntax: RECxx where xx is the message location to be recorded (1 thru 99)

Example: REC8 will initiate recording to message location eight and continue until the stop command is
issued or end of memory is reached.

Another option is “timed recording”, where the system will record for a specified time period. To use timed
recording, add two arguments after REC as follows:

Syntax: RECmsg,delay,time

msg is the message # (1 thru 99)
delay is the delay time (1 thru 99 seconds)
time is the recording time (1 thru +99 or 1 thru -99; +=seconds, -=minutes)

Example: REC8,+1,+60 would record message 8 for 60 seconds after an initial one second delay.

Disabled messages may be overwritten with the Record command. If the system runs out of memory
during the record process prior to the end of the audio message, the system will stop recording and the
save whatever portion of the message was recorded. Note: The Record function takes priority over the
Play function: when the record command is received, any currently playing message will be stopped. The
audio output is routed from the audio input, so that the user will hear the message being recorded.

If no message # is placed after the REC command, the incoming audio message will be placed in the first
available memory location. If there is no memory slot available, the system will reject the record command.
When no messages are in memory the system defaults to message # 1. Because the protocol requires
that bytes two and three proceed byte one, without byte one entered, the system will default to a one
second delay time, and will allow the user to record until the end of memory. Because of the tasks the
system must perform after receiving this command, the device cannot start the recording process
immediately. A one second delay must be inserted after the command is received before the system can
start recording audio. Any audio input to the system prior to the device being ready to record is at risk of
being cutoff.

7.1.13 RESET – RST:
Resets the system.

Example: RST