Tempest Hurricane User Manual
Page 47

Hurricane Enclosure User Manual
page 47
The desired upper temperature ABOVE the TOP TEMP setting, at which the lamp relay is
forced to open, isolating the fixture/projector power.
(default 15°C, permissible range 0-15°C).
To avoid nuisance tripping, set this variable to the maximum, and monitor actual
temperatures in your normal operating conditions. If your actual temperatures are
running lower, then you may reduce the cutoff temperature margin. In hot climates, it
may be advisable to set both TOP TEMP and CUTOFF TEMP as high as possible.
The desired lower temperature limit for normal operation
(default 10°C, permissible range 0-10°C).
Note that a higher BOTTOM TEMP may provide additional protection against condensation
in some conditions, but will consume more energy. Therefore a lower setting is desirable,
provided the user is certain that no condensation is occurring.
The RDM Mode is normally set using RDM commands from a remote RDM control device
to set the DMX PERSONALITY of the DEC3.
From the DEC3 user interface, this menu item allows the user to check (and if necessary
alter) the RDM mode. Please ensure that the DEC3 is NOT unintentionally left in Mode3