Industrial Data Systems IDS DT200 User Manual
Page 9

Activate the CONFIGURE menu and press the ENTER key when the
DT210 displays 'CONFIG SCALE'.
The DT210 prompts: "CONDEC/WS700T" (or current meter that is selected.)
The meter select menu is:
"TOLEDO 8142"
"WI 110"
"DR 10K"
Press the CONTINUE key to scan the meter list. Press the ENTER key to select a meter type.
The DT210 prompts: "UNITS = XXXX"
where XXXX = the scale units being sent by the scale indicator.
Note: if the scale input units do not match the units configured the DT210 display will show the
error message: -U-
The scale units menu selections are:
"UNITS = UNDEF." - units not set.
"UNITS = LB" - sets units to lbs.
"UNITS = KG" - sets units to kgs.
"UNITS = TON" - sets units to tons.
"UNITS = TNE" - sets units to metric tons.
Press the CONTINUE key to scan the scale units selections . Press the ENTER key to complete
the scale units selection.
The DT210 prompts: "COUNT BY XX"
where XX = count-by graduations of the weight indicator. Press the ENTER key to use the
displayed count-by or enter a new count-by number. The valid count-by's are:
.01 .02 .05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50
If the DT210 internal motion detect option is installed -