Accessories and attachments, Engine – Craftsman 917.258692 User Manual
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These accessoriss and altachmenls were availabte through most Sears retatt dutlels and se rvSce cente rs when the tractor was purchased
Most Sears stores can order these items tor you when you provide the mode! number of your tractor.
Sears offers a wide variety of attBchments that fit your tractor. Many of these are listed below with brief axpienaiiona of how they can help
you- This list was current at the lime of pubitoatlon: however, It may change in future years ■ more altaohmanls may be added, changes
may be made in these attachments, or some may no longer bo available or fit your mods! Contact your nearest Sears store for the
accessories and attachments that are available for yoor tractor.
Most of Ibesa altaohments do not require additional hitches or conversion kits {those that do are inrSoatad) and are cfBaigned far easy
attaching and detaching
AEBATOH promoies deep too! growth lor a healthy tawn Ta
pered 2.5-)nch
! spikes mounted on tO-inch diameter discs
puncture hefes in soft at otase Intervafe to fet moisture soak In
Steel weight tray for increased penetration
BAGGER tats you collect grass clippings and leaves for e
healthier, neater looking lawn. Two Permanex containers hold
30-gallon plaslic bags
BUMPER proiecls Ifonl end of tractor from damage
CARTS make hauling easy Variety of siaes available, plus
Bccessoriss such
as Bids
panel kits, tool caddy, car! ¿over,
pfotective mat and doily,
GORING AERATOR lakes small plugs oul of soil !c afiow mois
ture and nutrfenta to reach grass roots, 36-Inch svrath 24
hardened steel coring tips 150 lb capacity weigh! tray.
EASY OIL DRAIN VALVE makes oil changes aasier. faster
FRONT NOSE ROLLER cemers In front of mowar deck to reduce
chances of "scalping" on unevan termin.
QANG HITCH laic you tow2 or 3 pulf-behind altachíTíenls al once,
such as sweepers, dethalchers, aatatots (not for use wllh rollers,
carts or other heavy atlachmente)
GAUGE WHEELS on both sides of the mower deck reduce
chances of "scalping“ on uneven terrain For mower decks no! so
MULCH RAKE/DETHATCHER Icosens soil and Hips thatch and
matlBd loaves to lawn eurlBoe lor easy pickup. Twenty spring tine
iselh Usefutlopreparebare areas foraeedlng. Available for front
SPRING TINE DETHATCHER covers 36-inch wide path and
losses thatch into large hopper . Mounts behind Iractor.
MULCHING CLOSE-OUT PLATE KIT, orree fnslallsd, lels you
mulch, discharge or bag dippings {baggar optional) wilhoul
changing blades. For models not equipped as 3-tn-l CorivettiblB
mowers Saa "MOWER" In the Repair Ports saclion
RAMP TOPS AND FEET Isl you load and onload Iraclor from a
pickup truck Use with 2x0 or 2x10 iumber.
ROLLER far smoother lawn surface. 36-inch wide, 10-inch
diameterwatar-tight drum holds up to 3901bs. ol weigh!. Rounded
edges prevent harm to turt. AdjustabiB scrapsr aulomalicaliy
cfaans drum.
SNO W B LADE for snow removal only. 14-inch high, 4 8 -inch wide
blade clears 42-inchpalh when angled teftor right. Raises, towers
with side fever Adjustable skids; repteoeable, reversible scraper
bap (Use with lire chains and wheel weights and/or rear drawbar
SNOWTMROWER hasAO-fnch swath. Orutn-iyps auger handles
powdery and weWiaavy snow Mounts easily with simple pin
arrangement, Discharge chute adjusts from Iractor seal. 6-Inch
diameter spout discharge© enow 10 to 60 íoei. Lili cunlrolied al
tractor seal. (Use with chains and wheel weights and/or rear
drawbar weight)
SPRAYERS use 12-vo!l DC stectric molor thel connocis to the
tractor ballery or other 12-voil source. Includas booms lor
automalto spraying and hand held wand lor spot spraying Wand
has adjuslabla spray patiern. For applying herbicides, insecti
cides, fungicidas and liquid iertiilzers
SPREADER/SEEDERS mate saeding, fertilizing, and weed kfll-
tng easy. Broadcast spreaders are also usefuilor granular ds-
icers and sand
SWEEPERS la! you colled grass clippings and leaves
TILLER has 5 hp angina and 36-inch swath !o prepare seed bods,
GUllivate and compost garden residue Tiller has its own butiWn
lift and depth cemt ral eyslem and doss NOT require a sleeve hitch.
Fits any lawn, yard or garden tractor. Simply hook up to the tractor
drawbar and gol Optional accessories converl unit for
dethalching. aerating, hilling . without tools
TIRE CHAINS are heavy duty; closely spaced extra-large cross
links give smooth rida, oulslarnJIng iraetton.
TRACTOR CAB has heavy duly vinyl labrfc over tubular steel
frame, ASS piasifc top; clear piasite windshield oflars 360 degree
vlstblilly. Hinged metal doors with catch. Keeps operalor warm
and dry flemava vinyl sides and wlndshlBlda lor use as suh
protector in summer, Optionai accesaortes inoludai tinted/
tempered solid safely glass windshield with hand operated wipeq
12-volt amber caullon light for mounting on cab top
VACSfor powerful coilecllan o! heavy grass clippings and leaves.
Optionai wand attachment to pick up debris in hard-to-reach
places VAC/CH1PPER includes a chipper-shredder
WEIGHT BRACKET far drawbar lor snow removal applications.
Uses (1) 55 lb. weigh!
WHEEL WEIGHTS for rear wheals provide needed traction for
snow removal or dozing heavy malefials