IKA AOD 1 User Manual
Page 43

1 For Your Safety
Ver. 01 01.03
Page 1-2
The inside wall of the decomposition vessel may become coated with toxic combus-
tion residues such as gas, ash and other deposits.
Observe the relevant safety precautions when handling combustion samples, com-
bustion residues and process materials. The following hazards are present:
– Corrosion
– Slight
– Explosion
– Bacteriological
– Toxic
Follow the recommended safety procedures when handling oxygen.
Hazard warning: Compressed, gaseous oxygen enhances the combustion of other
substances. Causes violent burning. Vigorously accelerates the combustion of
Do not use oil or grease!
The decomposition vessel has been manufactured in accordance with the European
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC. The decomposition vessel has been pres-
sure tested to 280 bar and seal tested with oxygen to 30 bar.
The decomposition vessel is a laboratory autoclave and must be tested by a skilled
person after each single use.
Single use here is understood also as a series of tests where approximately the
same pressures and temperatures are used. Laboratory autoclaves must only be
operated in special chambers or behind protective walls.
The decomposition vessel must be subject to inner tests and pressure tests per-
formed by a skilled person at regular intervals. The test intervals are to be defined
by the user on the basis of experience, operating conditions and the type of samples
The warranty on this equipment becomes void if mechanical modifications are
made to the laboratory autoclave or where the resistance of the vessel can no
longer be guaranteed because of very severe corrosion. An example of very
severe corrosion is pitting caused by halogen.
The thread on the body of the decomposition vessel and the union nut are subject to
high stresses and must therefore be checked for wear at regular intervals.
The condition and the efficiency of the seal must be tested using a seal test (see the
operating manual for the decomposition vessel). Pressure testing and servicing
must be performed by skilled personnel only.
The manufacturer hereby specifies that the decomposition vessel must be
tested or returned to our works for repair, after 1,000 test hours, after one year
or earlier if the operating conditions warrant this.
of the
Regular test