Boundless Technologies 4000 User Manual
Page 11

Notices vii
References in this publication to Boundless Technologies products, programs, or
services do not imply that Boundless Technologies intends to make these available to
all countries in which Boundless Technologies operates. Any reference to an Boundless
Technologies product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only
Boundless Technologies product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally
equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of Boundless
Technologies’ intellectual property rights may be used instead of Boundless
Technologies product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation
in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by Boundless
Technologies, are the user’s responsibility.
This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
This publication may refer to products that are announced but are not currently
available in your country. Boundless Technologies makes no commitment to make
available any unannounced products referred to herein. The final decision to
announce any product is based on Boundless Technologies’ business and technical
The drawings and specifications contained herein shall not be reproduced in whole or
in part without the written permission of Boundless Technologies.
Trademarks and Service Marks
The following terms are trademarks of these companies:
Canadian Standards Association
Hazeltine 1500
DEC VT-52/100
Digital Equipment Corporation
WYSE 50/75
Wyse Technology
TVI 910, 920, 9 25
TeleVideo Systems, Inc.
ADDS Viewpoint, Regent 40
Boundless Technologies, Inc.