Commands – Innovate Motorsports OT-2 SDK User Manual
Page 19

At the time of this writing this would be:
(fixed) 1 Lambda
(fixed) 1 Lambda (old) + 5 Aux
(fixed) 5 Aux
(fixed) 5 Aux
(fixed) 4 Aux
(fixed) 4 Aux
(variable) Simple Count, 1-16 in last byte of Type Response
(variable) Simple Count, 1-16 in last byte of Type Response
(variable) Simple Count, 1-16 in last byte of Type Response
(variable) Count (See Below) in last byte of Type Response
* The LM-2 always provides 1 Lambda channel minimum. In addition, the last Type Response
byte has the following meaning, bit 7 set, +1 Lambda (2
sensor), bit 6 set, +1 Aux (RPM), bit 5
set, +4 Aux (Analog Inputs), bits 0-4, count of additional Aux (OBD-II, can be 0-16)
Important: Remember, because of the way MTS works, the device closest to the host is
the last response in the packet, the device furthest away the first. So, for either a USB or
network connection, the safe procedure to make sure that the rest of the features in this
SDK are available would be:
1. Sync to the MTS stream (find the header and start parsing packets)
2. Send a Type query (0xF3)
3. Check that the last device in the response packet is either an “OT1B” or “OT2 ”
4. Check that (FirmwareVersion & 0xFFF0) >= 0x1020
Although the OT-1b and the OT-2 both only respond to one in band MTS commands,
there are some others that you might want to send to the chain:
- Calibrate (useful for calibrating LC-1s)
- Start Recording (works with LM-1, LM-2, and DL-32)
- Stop Recording
- ‘Erase’
This literally erases the log memory in an LM-1, but with an LM-2 or DL-32, it only
forces the next ‘R’ command to create a new file on the SD card.
If you are reading this SDK, then there is one command that you will probably want to
use for sure, because the OT-1b/2 will respond to it:
- Enter Setup Mode…