ACTiSYS ACT IR100SLM User Manual
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ACT-IR100SL and IR100SL-M User’s Manual
Version 1.20
May 27, 2002
1. Features
Support IrDA standard including:
- TinyTP
- IrOBEX transport
Other standards:
IrDA baud rate supported:
- 9.6kbps
- 19.2kbps
- 38.4kbps
- 57.6kbps
- 115.2kbps
IrDA Primary/Secondary Mode supported:
- IR100SL : Secondary Mode only
- IR100SL-M : Both Primary and Secondary Mode supported, and mode automatically
switched upon IrDA protocol negotiation with the other device
Host Interface:
- Full-duplex asynchronous serial (TXD, RXD)
(Or simplex TXD only and software flow control with RXD.)
- Hardware flow control (RTS, CTS)
- Optional line status for link control (DTR, DSR)
- Other optional inputs (RI, CD)
- Designed for use in RS232C level and that it is in DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) configuration.