Overview, Supported vaisala device models – Innotech IG04 BACnet Gateway User Manual
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Installation Instructions for Innotech IG04 BACnet Gateway and Vaisala Transmitter / Sensor
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© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2011
Edition 5.0 dated 11/11/2013
This document provides instructions to connect a Vaisala device to the IG04 BACnet Gateway, and
configuring the Vaisala device and IG04 using the embedded web server and the FusionLIVE Java
Detailed instructions are provided to help you access the embedded web server, and easily configure
the IG04 and Vaisala device. It is recommended that installation personnel familiarise themselves
with the information contained in this document.
Connecting the Vaisala Device and the IG04 BACnet Gateway
A Vaisala device can be connected to the IG04 BACnet Gateway using either the 8-Pin M12 connector
or by wiring directly to the Screw Terminals. Both the 8-Pin M12 Connector and Screw Terminals can
be accessed from the bottom of the Vaisala device.
The Vaisala device and the IG04 BACnet Gateway can be powered using a 24V to 32V DC power
supply. If heating is required, it is recommended to provide independent cabling from the power
supply to ensure robust operation and minimal interference. If this is not possible, a single cable run
can be used to provide power for both the Vaisala device and optional heating accessory. Ensure to
use high capacity cable suitable for carrying such a current load over the distance required.
Refer to the following wiring guides for the most suitable option for your installation.
Supported Vaisala Device Models
The IG04 BACnet Gateway communicates directly with the Vaisala device using a dedicated RS-485
channel. The IG04 BACnet Gateway is designed to communicate with the Vaisala WXT520 Weather
Transmitter or WMT52 Ultrasonic Wind Sensor.
For 'plug and play' communications, ensure to use one of the following order codes when ordering a
Vaisala device:
• WXT520-AACxxxxxx0 (where "x" refers to optional extras)
• WMT52-AACxxxxxx0 (where "x" refers to optional extras)
Please refer to the appropriate Vaisala technical documentation for more detail
. Refer to the
relevant datasheets for complete power supply details for the IG04 and Vaisala products.
If a different order code is required, ensure that the Vaisala device is configured to communicate using the NMEA
protocol on RS-485 at 19200 baud 8, N, 1.