WolfVision EYE-14 User Manual User Manual
Page 14

Built-in Digital Scaler (USB-Stick and vSolution Connect)
The EYE-14 has a built-in digital image scaler which can scale the received stream of vSolution Connect
(iPad) and images from a connected USB-stick automatically to the current output mode of the unit (For
example: If the EYE-14 is set to output an 1080p (FullHD) to the projector but the image from the USB-stick
has just 720p resolution, the scaler of the EYE-14 converts the 720p image to 1080p. As a result the
projector does not readjust the input mode when switching between the live camera and other content).
The output resolution of the EYE-14 can be changed in the on-screen menu (see page 15).
vSolution Connect requires the BYOD Feature Pack.
Integrated Seamless Switch
The EYE-14 has an integrated Seamless Switch.
This allows for a seamless transition (fade-over/dissolve effect) when switching between the camera
image, the memory (internal and USB-stick), or stream of vSolution Connect.
The behavior of the EYE-14 can be changed in the on-screen menu (see page 15).
vSolution Connect requires the BYOD Feature Pack.
The Picture in Picture Mode offers the possibility to show two different
pictures at the same time on one screen. Just press
to activate the Picture in Picture mode. The current picture (e.g. image
memory) will be shown side-by-side to the live image or in the lower left
corner and the live image will be shown in the upper right corner. The
size of the live image is much bigger.
The content of the live image can be changed e.g. by recalling a stored
image memory.
Following comparisons are possible: image memory, live image. The
content from the small image is frozen.
the PiP key
The behavior of the PiP mode can be changed in the on-screen menu,
Output Settings (see page 15).
Live to Freeze Comparison / Picture in Picture (PiP)