ION Audio Video 2 PC User Manual
Page 8

Windows ‘Logo Testing’ warning is encountered during driver installation
The following warning is commonly encountered during the VIDEO 2 PC driver installation.
This testing process referred to in the image above was developed by Microsoft to ensure
consumer confidence that a product indeed is designed to work with Windows.
According to Microsoft’s documentation on driver signing, “These ... signature types verify the
authenticity and integrity of a driver, but... do not verify the reliability of the driver.”
That is to say, the signing process confirms that the file being installed is indeed a hardware
driver for a Windows compatible device, but doesn’t address or ensure that the driver works, is
stable etc.
Many professional audio and video computer peripherals have perfectly functional drivers which
are not ‘signed’. While the products work as intended, it is understandable that a customer could
feel uncomfortable when being faced with this warning during the installation.
To address this concern, ION Audio has had the VIDEO 2 PC undergo the driver signing process
described above. These updated drivers are now available on our website. For detailed update
instructions, and direct-download links to the latest drivers,
Please rest assured however, that the ‘unsigned’ drivers will in-no-way cause damage your
computer system.