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PPPoE Settings Page

This page allows defining of the PPPoE settings of the camera. This function is
not required for the vast majority of users, and if you are not planning on
connecting the camera directly to a DSL modem (no network present, just the
camera connects directly to the modem) you can safely skip this page.

PPPoE is a common connection method for ADSL Internet services. It is not
required for cable modem service, or newer DSL services that operate with
dynamic IP addresses.

PPPoE connections require a user ID and password that are typically provided
by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). If there is no router in your network,
and you connect the camera straight to the DSL modem, you need to enter the
user ID and password here, so that the camera can connect to the Internet.

Note: The camera does not support idle timeout, meaning, it stays connected
to the Internet indefinitely. Users of time- or volume-based Internet services
need to be aware of this as the camera can cause significant usage charges for
the service. It is always a better option to have the router handle the PPPoE
connection to the Internet Service Provider, instead of the camera.

Click the Next button to open the next configuration page.