Biamp TEC-1 User Manual
Page 9

View Device Information
To view information regarding the specific unit, scroll to the Information icon and press the Select button. The
Serial Number, MAC Address, Firmware Version, Hostname, IP Address, network mask, and gateway are dis-
played. This is non-editable information. The Serial Number is helpful in identifying physical units/locations
when naming them via Device Maintenance in the Tesira software. The IP address information is useful only
when TEC-1 receives an IP address automatically to indicate what IP address it received. Use the scroll wheel
to navigate through the list of information. Press the Select button to exit this screen.
Reset to Factory Defaults
To reset to factory defaults scroll to the reset icon with the exclamation point and press the Select button.
To confirm, scroll to the Yes button and press the Select button. Otherwise selecting No will return back to
the device setup screen. Resetting to factory defaults clears all device maintenance parameters and restores
them to their default values. When resetting to factory defaults the firmware version remains unchanged.
To exit the setup screen, scroll to the Exit Door icon and press the Select button.