IPX DDK-1700BC User Manual
Page 65

when an event is triggered.
“Submit” to save or click on “Don’t Submit” to go back to the Event main page.
Event settings:
Click Add in the Event area on Event Settings page to open the Event setting page. On
this page, you can configure three settings: Trigger, Event Schedule, and Action to set an
event. A total of 3 different event settings can be configured.
Enter the Event Name for the event setting.
Select “Enable this event” option to enable the event setting.
Set the event p
riority from: “normal”, “high” and “highest”. Events with a higher priority will
be executed first.
Enter the duration in seconds to restart motion detection after a motion is detected
An event is the action initiated by the user-defined trigger source. Set the event details for
each as follows.
Trigger: This option defines when to trigger the DDK-1700BC. The trigger source
can be configured to use the DDK-1700BC
’s built-in motion detection , periodic,
external digital input devices, or system boot:
Video motion detection: This option makes use of the built-in motion
detection mechanism as a trigger source. To enable this function, you need
to first configure a motion detection windows.
Periodic: This option allows the DDK-1700BC to trigger periodically as
defined in minute intervals up to 99999 minutes.
Digital input: This option allows the DDK-1700BC to use an external digital
input device or sensor as a trigger source.
System boot: This option triggers the DDK-1700BC when the power to the
DDK-1700BC is disconnected.
Event Schedule: Specify the period for the event.
Select the days of the week.