Acura 2011 TL Navigation User Manual
Page 3
Table of Contents
Navigation System
Map Menu ..................................... 57
Directions ...................................... 58
EXIT INFO (Freeway Exit
Information) ............................. 59
Guidance Mode ............................. 59
Current Location ........................... 60
Map Legend .................................. 60
Map Scale ..................................... 61
Map Orientation ............................ 62
Destination Icon ............................ 62
Various Other Icons ...................... 63
Landmark Icons ............................. 63
Incident Icons ................................. 64
Weather Icons ................................ 64
Showing Icons on the Map............. 67
Icon Options .................................. 67
Going Off the Route ..................... 69
Off-road Tracking ......................... 69
Viewing/Saving the Current
Location .................................... 70
Pop-ups and Disclaimers .............. 71
Traffi c Rerouting ........................... 72
Changing the Route ...................... 73
MENU Screen (Route) ................. 73
Changing Your Destination .......... 76
Find Nearest (Voice command) .... 76
Go Home (Voice command) ......... 76
Using Interface Dial to Change
Destination ............................... 76
Entering a Destination from the
Menu Screen (while en route) .. 77
Continue Trip to Screen ............... 77
AcuraLink Messages ..................... 78
Information Features .................79
INFO Screen (Main Info) ............. 79
Cellular Phone................................ 79
Messages ........................................ 80
Traffi c Incidents ............................. 80
AcuraLink Weather ....................... 80
Voice Info ...................................... 84
Calendar ........................................ 85
Scenic Road Information ............... 87
Calculator ...................................... 88
System/Device Information ........... 89
Map Update Status ......................... 89
Roadside Assistance....................... 89
Key to Zagat Ratings .................... 90
Show Wallpaper ............................. 91
System Setup ...............................92
SETUP Mode ................................ 92
SETUP Screen (Main Set up) ....... 92
Brightness ...................................... 92
Contrast .......................................... 92
Black Level .................................... 92
Volume .......................................... 93
Interface Dial Feedback ................ 93
Personal Information .................... 93
Address Book ................................ 93
Home Address ............................... 97
PIN Number .................................. 98
Previous Destinations .................. 100
SET UP Screen (Other) .............. 100
Basic Settings ............................. 100
Units (mile or km) .......................101
Voice Recognition Feedback .......101
Verbal Reminders .........................101
Routing & Guidance .................. 101
Rerouting .....................................101
Unverifi ed Area Routing ............. 102
Edit Avoid Area ........................... 106
Edit Waypoint Search Area ........ 108
Guidance Mode ........................... 109
Street Name Guidance ................. 109
Traffi c Rerouting .......................... 109
Clock Adjustment ........................ 110
Auto Daylight ...............................110
Auto Time Zone ...........................111
Time Adjustment...........................111