Lexicon CP-1 User Manual
Page 29

Page 25
CP-1 Digital Audio Environment Processor
The Programs:
MID RT (Midrange Reverberation Time) is the time required for midrange
sounds to decay 60 dB in level. Your choice of small, medium or large
synthesized space determines both the initial value and the available range
of MID RT.
Mid RT
BASS RT, the low-frequency reverb time, depends on the MID RT and is
expressed as a multiplier. BASS RT is equal to MID RT in Program 7, while
in the medium and large versions of the program it is 25% higher (as is the
case in most actual halls with acceptably warm subjective frequency bal-
Bass RT
TREBLE rolloff, as in the Ambience programs, is preset to mimic air
absorption in actual spaces, being more pronounced in the larger ones.
PANORAMA EFFECT adjusts the strength of the signal used to expand the
stereo image outward from the front two speakers. Its initial value is zero,
unless you have configured the CP-1 for no side loudspeakers.
Panorama Effect
LISTENER POS compensates for the relative distances of the two speakers
from the prime listening area. It should be set for the value arrived at in the
Panorama set-up procedure on page 11.
Listener Position
SPEAKER ANGLE compensates for varying distance between your front
speakers. The Speaker Angle can be set to the value reached in the setup
procedure on page 11, but the program may also work well at lower values.
The image expansion is strongest at the one location in the room for which
the program has been calibrated. ( See page 11.) It will diminish somewhat
as you move forward or back from that location, and more rapidly as you
move from side to side.
Speaker Angle
PRE-DELAY increases the delay between the direct sound and the onset of
reverberation. Some pre-delay is inherent in the programs, and the preset
value of 0 is usually a good starting point. Increasing the pre-delay will
make the hall sound larger.
The procedures for naming a new version of the program (SET PROGRAM
NAME) and storing it in one of the User registers (MEMORIZE PROGRAM)
are described on page 29.
Set Program Name/
Memorize Program