Valco electronic Valve Oven User Manual
Page 29

Chapter 2
Installing Valves in the Unheated Compartment
Valve Installation
3. Place the other end of the tubing into the valve solenoid fitting located on the
outside edge of the solenoid by pushing the tubing firmly into the fitting. It
should automatically seal in place.
4. Turn the actuator gas supply on. This line should now be pressurized.
5. Verify there are no noticeable leaks in the fittings.
Applying pressure to this side of the actuator will ensure that the valve and actuator rotates
to the ccw position.
6. Take the other 1/8 in piece of nylon tubing and place it in the upper fitting on
the actuator. Be sure the tube passes through the ferrule in the fitting. Tighten
using the 3/8” open end wrench with backup.
7. Connect the opposite end to the inside fitting on the solenoid.
Step 3. Installing the Valve Bracket
Once the gas lines are attached to the actuator and the valves, the actuator and
bracket are ready to be mounted inside the valve compartment.
1. Locate the three sets of mounting holes in the Valve Oven compartment floor.
2. Select the desired set of holes and secure the valve bracket to the holes using
M 4 x 10 screws (Figure 2-6).
Liquid sample valves should be mounted such that the C and P ports are next to the feed-
throughs in the Valve Oven.