National Instruments PC-DIO-24/PnP User Manual
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PC-DIO-24/PnP User Manual
National Instruments Corporation
control word written to CNFG
Register (figure), C-17
Port C pin assignments (figure), C-19
Port C status-word bit definitions,
programming example, C-19 to C-20
purpose and use, C-9
mode 2 bidirectional timing, 3-14
single bit set/reset feature, C-9
NI-DAQ driver software, 1-3 to 1-4
OBF* signal
description (table), 3-10
mode 1 output timing, 3-13
mode 2 bidirectional timing, 3-14
Port C signal assignments (table), 3-4
OBFA* bit, Port C, C-15, C-18
OBFB* bit, Port C, C-15
OKI 82C55A Programmable Peripheral
Interface. See 82C55A Programmable
Peripheral Interface.
optional equipment for PC-DIO-24/PnP,
1-5 to 1-6
PA<7..0> signal (table), 3-3
parts locator diagram, PC-DIO-24 (non-PnP)
board, D-3
PB<7..0> signal (table), 3-3
PC I/O channel control circuitry, 4-1 to 4-2
PC<7..0> signal (table), 3-3
PC-DIO-24 (non-PnP) board
configuration, D-2 to D-7
base I/O address settings, D-3 to D-5
factory-set jumper and switch
settings (table), D-2
interrupt selection, D-5 to D-7
parts locator diagram, D-3
differences between PC-DIO-24/PnP and,
D-1 to D-2
comparison of characteristics (table),
D-1 to D-2
installation, D-7
block diagram, 4-1
configuration, 2-2 to 2-3
custom cables, 1-5 to 1-6
installation, 2-1 to 2-2
optional equipment, 1-5 to 1-6
overview, 1-1
requirements for getting started, 1-2
software programming choices, 1-2 to 1-4
National Instruments application
software, 1-2 to 1-3
NI-DAQ driver software, 1-3 to 1-4
register-level programming, 1-4
specifications, A-1 to A-3
theory of operation, 4-1 to 4-3
unpacking, 1-7
physical specifications, A-2
pin assignments. See I/O connector; Port C.
Plug and Play configuration, 2-2
Port C
pin assignments
description, 3-3
mode 1 input (figure), C-13
mode 1 output (figure), C-16
mode 2 bidirectional bus
(figure), C-19
signal assignments (table), 3-4
set/reset control words (table), C-5
status-word bit definitions
mode 1 strobed input, C-12 to C-13
mode 1 strobed output, C-15
power connections, 3-7