National Instruments PC-DIO-24/PnP User Manual
Page 104

National Instruments Corporation
PC-DIO-24/PnP User Manual
interrupt level
PC-DIO-24 (non-PnP)
factory settings (table), D-2
jumper setting (figure), D-6
setting, D-6 to D-7
PC-DIO-24/PnP, 2-3
interrupt programming examples,
C-20 to C-22
INTR signal
description (table), 3-11
mode 1 input timing, 3-12
mode 1 output timing, 3-13
mode 2 bidirectional timing, 3-14
Port C signal assignments (table), 3-4
INTRA bit, Port C, C-12, C-15, C-18
INTRB bit, Port C, C-13, C-15
I/O bit, Port C, C-12, C-15, C-18
I/O connector
digital I/O connector, 4-3
pin assignments (figure), 3-2
I/O signal, Port C signal assignments
(table), 3-4
IRQ0 bit, C-6
IRQ1 bit, C-6
jumper and switch settings
base I/O address settings, D-3 to D-5
example settings (figure), D-4
example settings with corresponding
base I/O address and address space
(table), D-5
in use by other equipment (note), D-3
factory settings, (table), D-2
interrupt enable settings, D-6
interrupt level settings, D-6 to D-7
jumper W1
data signal settings (note), 2-1
location of (figure), 2-1
jumper W2
location (figure), D-3
settings (table), D-2
jumper W3
location (figure), D-3
settings (table), D-2
LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI application
software, 1-2 to 1-3
manual. See documentation.
modes of operation, 82C55A
mode 0 basic I/O, C-9 to C-11
configurations (table), C-9 to C-10
overview, C-8
programming example, C-10 to C-11
purpose and use, C-8
mode 1 input timing, 3-12
mode 1 output timing, 3-13
mode 1 strobed input, C-11 to C-14
control words written to CNFG
register (figures), C-11 to C-12
Port C pin assignments (figure), C-13
Port C status-word bit definitions,
C-12 to C-13
programming example, C-13 to C-14
purpose and use, C-8
mode 1 strobed output, C-14 to C-17
control words written to CNFG
register (figure), C-14
Port C pin assignments (figure), C-16
Port C status-word bit definitions,
programming example, C-16 to C-17
purpose and use, C-8
mode 2 bidirectional bus, C-17 to C-20