Playback, General troubleshooting – I-JAM Multimedia I-Jam IJ 100 User Manual
Page 39

How can I personalize the Music Library category descriptions?
The Folders View within the Music Library gives you many sorting options for your database of tracks. The leftmost column
is the primary sorter and will be set to "View by song name' by default. If you right click that column header, you will have
other options to choose from such as 'View by artists' so you can see the database contents in collapsible folders.
You can have as many as 6 sub-categories showing at any time and these can also be personalized to show information
like Genre, Preference, etc. Simply right-click the sub-category headers to view and select from available categories. Sort
by sub-category by left clicking its header to alphabetize the list.
To adjust the number of categories in view, go to Options/Settings and choose the Music Library tab. In the Music Library
Display Settings, put a check mark next to the number of categories you would like shown and even change the information
displayed in each using the drop down menus.
Why do all of my MP3 files play back with no sound?
You may want to try playing these songs through another MP3 player to see if they have sound at all. It could simply be that
you have your MusicMatch Jukebox volume turned down, or that your speakers are turned down or off.
If your songs record in analog, but when you play them there is little or no sound, you should check your volume settings to
make sure none of them are muted. To do this, right-click the speaker icon on the Windows Taskbar next to the clock, and
choose 'Open Volume Controls'. If the Volume settings are not muted, there may be a problem with your Recording Control.
From the Volume Control's Options menu, choose properties. In the 'Adjust Volume for' section, choose Recording and
click OK. Some systems will default to having 'Line-in' selected, which in this case, is incorrect. What needs to be selected
is "CD" or "Mix-All". Note: Terminology may vary from system to system.
If you are recording in analog mode, you might want to check to see if the analog cable running from your CD-Rom drive to
your sound card is properly connected. If you are able to hear sound while playing a CD in your CD-Rom drive, you
probably do not have this cable problem.
As a last resort, it could also be attributed to severe IRQ conflicts with your sound card. You may want to consult Windows
Help for tips on resolving IRQ conflicts.
If you are recording digitally, but the sound level is too low, you can also adjust the recording volume by increasing the
ADLC parameter in the mmcd.ini file. The ADLC values can range from 0 to 7FFF hexadecimal. A value of 0 forces
MusicMatch to attempt to handle volume control itself, and 7FFF is full volume. You may want to start with a value of 4000
and adjust from there accordingly.
How do I play videos using MusicMatch Jukebox?
If you have chosen MusicMatch as your default player for Windows Media files, you will be able to play Windows Media
video streams with MusicMatch. To select MusicMatch as your default player, go to Options/Settings and check the box
next to "Use MusicMatch as the default player for…Windows Media Files". Visit our NetMusic window (access this on the
main player, the globe icon) for video recommendations in the Windows Media format.
>General Troubleshooting
Can I install my copy of MusicMatch Jukebox and all the songs in my music database to a new PC?