Version 2.00 – I-Data POLARIS Panel PC 19.1" User Manual
Page 25

User manual
Panel PC 19.1'' and Panel PC 15''
Version 2.00
Page 25 of 46
User manual for POLARIS Panel PC 19.1" and 15"
Revision 1 / Status: January, 3
, 2006
Technical data subject to change
5.4.4 General
The user is allowed to perform only the wiring work necessary on the terminals accessible
to him. Any more extensive dismantling of the device may be performed only by the
manufacturer or by persons authorized by the manufacture. The unit is factory sealed. Do
not open!
Ex i-terminal compartment marked:
with terminals for
- USB Ex i memory stick
Type 17-71VZ-50..
with terminals for Ex i input device (Ex i-data)
- Keyboard
Type 17-71VZ-40../....
- Mouse
Type 17-71VZ-10../....
- Trackball
Type 17-71VZ-20../....
- Touchpad
Type 17-71VZ-30../....
- Hand-held scanner BCS 302
Type 17-21BA-0020
(not possible in combination with touch screen)
Work may be performed on the terminal compartment with the system live even
if explosive atmospheres are present.
Do not connect the keyboard, mouse, trackball and touch pad while energised!
The Ex e terminal compartment with terminals for the power supply and data cable may be
opened only provided it has been ensured that no explosive atmosphere is present and that
the power is off.
The unit may only be started (if an explosive atmosphere is present) once it has been
ensured that the unit is completely closed and that all bolts and screws have been correctly
Stand-alone POLARIS Panel PC and flush-fitted units with a damaged glass must be taken
out of operation immediately.