Security – HP Vectra VL400 User Manual
Page 42

4 BIOS Overview
BIOS Summary
CPU Microcode Update. To update the CPU microcode. You must have
Administrator rights to use this facility.
There are sub-menus for changing the characteristics and values of the
system administrator password, user password, Hardware Protection and
Boot Device Security, the amount of protection against the system’s drives
and network connections, and the amount of protection for booting from the
system’s drives and network connections.
The Security Menu contains the following sub-menus:
User and Administrator Password.
The user password can only be set when an administrator password has
been set. The user password prevents unauthorized use of the computer,
protects stored data.
The administrator password prevents unauthorized access to the
computer’s configuration. It can also be used to start the computer.
Hardware protection. Allows you to enable, disable or write protect the
following devices: hard disk, parallel port, serial ports, and boot sector.
Write protect helps to prevent users from copying confidential data (to
floppy disk for example).
Boot Devices Security. Allows you to prevent or authorize users from
booting from devices such as the network, CD-ROM, floppy disk, and hard
Protection Against
The VL400 has several features to protect it from viruses:
Hard Drive Master Boot Sector Protection: It is impossible to write on the
boot sector or to format the hard disk when this feature is enabled. This
protection is enabled in the Security - Hardware protection menu of the
Setup program.
PC Boot Block Protection: The boot block is protected by a physical switch
on the system board (switch 4) and a software switch. When flashing the
BIOS, the switch must be closed; HP’s BIOS flash program closes the
software switch before flashing the BIOS.
BIOS Flash Protection: BIOS flashing is protected by two software