Selection example, Selection procedure: 12 – Heatcraft Refrigeration Products HCS User Manual

Page 12

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Selection Procedure:


1. Which air handler for cooling performance?

Look at index of air handler performance

on page 11. Find that tables 6 through 9

give chilled water performance.

You need 35 tons or 35 x 12 =



Compare 1/2" and 5/8" and 4 row and 6 row performance:

Select size 20 air handler with six row 1/2" tube coil with capacity of:



Note that 4 row 5/8" tube coil is not enough at:



2. Which air handler for heating performance?

Look at index of air handler performance on

page 11. Find that tables 12 & 13 are for hot

water performance with 60°F. air.

You need 35 tons or 35 x 12 =



Compare 1/2" and 5/8" and 1 row and 2 row performance:

Select one row 5/8" tube coil for size 20 air handler with capacity of:



Note that 1 row 1/2" tube coil is much too small at capacity of



3. Comparing steps 1 & 2, select:

Size 20 air handler at 10025 CFM with

6 row, 1/2" tube chilled water coil with

1 row, 5/8" tube hot water coil.

4. Look at page 38, “Characteristics of standard coil sections “ and confirm that:

1 row depth coil casing:



+ 6 row depth coil casing:





inches fits into HCS type cabinet

5. Look at page 40 & 41, “Air pressure drop tables” and calculate total pressure drop:



Pressure drop through 1 row coil, see dry 5/8" tube at: 10025 Divided By 19.25 = 521 FPM



Pressure drop through 6 row coil see wet 1/2" tube at: 500 FPM



Pressure drop for flat filter section, pleated 2" filter at: 10025 Divided By 24.4 = 411 FPM

+ 0.50


External static pressure



Total static pressure

6. Look at page 27, “Fan performance”:

Select a 5 HP motor for the condition of 10000 CFM and less than 1.75 inches of water.

7. Air handler description and performance:



HCS model size 20

10025 CFM at 1.68" total static and

with 6 row 10FPI, type A, cooling coil

0.5" external static pressure

with 1 row 10 FPI, type 5, heating coil

430 MBH total cooling capacity and

with open 5 HP motor at 230/3/60 volts

292 MBH sensible cooling capacity with

(See page 10)

80°F. DB/ 67°F. WB entering air

with 120% adjustable drive

and 44 °F entering water at

with motor starter

85.8 GPM and 13.5 feet of

with flat filter section

fluid pressure drop

with 35% efficient 2" filters

502 MBH of heating capacity with

with (6) rubber in shear vibration isolators

60°F. entering air and 200°F.

for ceiling mount (see page 38)

entering water at 64.5 gpm

and 12.3 feet of fluid pressure drop

8. To estimate performance of coils at other than 10 FPI, or different row depths, or different air speeds or

temperature conditions see tables on page 20 - 23, or call your representative. With your representative,

you can have specific computer selected coils for your job conditions.

Selection Example

Air Handler Selection Conditions:

“I want a ceiling mounted air handler that gives 35 tons of cooling and 35 tons of heating. I have 44°F. water for
cooling and I have 200°F. water for heating. My entering air temperatures on the coil are standard, that is 80°F. dry bulb and 67°F. wet
bulb (50% relative humidity) for cooling. For heating, the entering air temperature is 60°F. I will supply duct work,
you should select the motor to handle a half inch of external static pressure. Select the smallest air handler possible and tell me what kind
of CFM, flow rates, fluid pressure drops, and sensible cooling performance your selection will give me. I want a filter too.”