Be a cio hero, The best selling real estate, Hp 10bii calculator just got better – HP Calculators by HP User Manual

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The best selling real estate

HP 10bll Calculator just got better



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The HP 10bII, HP’s best selling financial calculator, is easy to use and approved

for many courses and exams. The calculator is approved by the CFP, CFA, AFP,

CICFP, CCIM institute and is extremely popular among Real Estate and business

students and professionals.

In Mid-March 2008, HP will be releasing the HP 10bII with a new, attractive

look. The calculator will have the famous HP gem logo and will continue to be

light weight and slim. It has over 100 built-in functions for business, finance,
mathematics and statistic with quick calculation options for loan payments, TVM,

NPV, IRR, cash flows and more. Now you can solve all your basic financial

calculations with style.

HP provides FREE calculator training specific to our calculator models and specific exams. Check out the

links below:

Click here for free HP 10bII CBT and IREM training

Click here for free HP 10bII intro to finance video training

Click here for free HP 10bII learning modules

Be a CIO hero!




See how good it feels knowing that HP is helping you become a CIO hero! HP can help you get the

attention you deserve at the next boardroom meeting with the other executives because your IT department

brought value and increased productivity to the organizations’ workforce.

We understand the challenges that CIOs face everyday. IT decisions in organizations are often made in a

vacuum or part of a greater IT business alignment process instead of simply bringing solutions to the

organization. IT executives and industry leaders agree that companies who do not treat IT as a strategic
element of the organization are more likely to suffer expensive failures. Bringing the right IT tools and

solutions to the workforce gives companies the competitive edge they need to be better, faster, and smarter.

Fortunately, CIOs can count on HP to provide calculating solutions for your workforce at a very affordable
price. Whether your business is in finance, insurance, real estate, engineering, science, education, etc; HP

Calculators have the right calculating solution to meet your business needs. And if you need a good story

for management, there is no better value than a HP Calculator. Dollar for dollar, HP Calculators provide

the greatest value for productivity. Now is a great time to capitalize on our special B2B bulk purchase
program and save money by directly from HP.