Maintenance, Power nozzles – Hoover Vacuum Systems User Manual

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Power nozzles

Carpet or rug cleaning

When using the nozzle for carpet and ru g
cleaning, push the Floor Surface Switch (D)
on hand grip toward

“ RU G ” .

This setting

p rovides the

agitator action

n e c e s s a ry to

deep clean carpets. The nozzle adjusts
automatically to various carpet pile heights.

H a rd surface floor cleaning

The nozzle can be used for cleaning hard
s u rface floors such as wood, linoleum,
vinyl, asphalt and rubber tile, sealed cork,
c o n c rete and terrazzo, as well as carpet.

To set the power nozzle for hard surf a c e
floor cleaning, push the Floor Surf a c e
Switch (D) toward

“ BA R E ”

. This setting

p rovides

no agitator action.

If you pre f e r,

you may use the wall/floor brush to clean
b a re floors.

Note: The headlight (E) on the ‘PowerMAX’
nozzle remains ON as long as the hose
power cord is plugged into an electrical
o u t l e t .

It is, there f o re, necessary to

a lw ay s

unplug the hose power cord from the
electrical outlet when cleaning is fin-
i s h e d .

Familiarize yourself with these home main-
tenance tasks as proper use and care of
your cleaner will ensure continued clean-
ing eff e c t i v e n e s s .

S t a n d a rd and
PowerMAX™ power
n o z z l e s

The belt

The belt in your power nozzle drives the
a g i t a t o r. It has been designed specifically
for use in this cleaner and is important for
e ffective operation.

4. Maintenance

What to buy

Use only a genuine HOOVER

B e l t N o .

4 0 2 0 1 0 4 5

when a belt replacement is nec-

e s s a ry.

When to re p l a c e


he belt should be checked from time to

time to be sure it is in good condition. To
check, remove the nozzle cover (see fol-
lowing section). Replace the belt if it is
s t retched, cut, or bro k e n .

On the PowerMAX™ nozzle, the belt is visi-
ble through the belt check window (A) on
top of the nozzle. If the belt is broken, the
motor pulley will be visible through the win-
d o w.

How to re p l a c e

Disconnect hose power cord from elec-
trical outlet and disconnect power noz-
zle from extension wands.

Tu rn nozzle over and unscrew the 4
recessed Phillips head scre w s .

N o t e : Do not remove the 3 screws in the
triangle formation as these hold the
motor in place.

R e t u rn nozzle to original position, lift off
nozzle cover.



