Harbor Freight Tools 65063 User Manual

Page 8

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SKU 65063

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Page 8

To charge the Battery (12) of the


Solar Charger, insert the Plug of the

AC/DC Adapter (11) into the Electric

Current Input Receptacle (6).

(See Figure A.)
Plug the Power Cord of the AC/DC


Adapter (11) into the nearest 110 volt,

grounded, electrical outlet.

(See Figure A.)
The Electric Current Input Lamp (1)


will illuminate

REd. In approximately

60 to 90 minutes, the Lamp will il-


GREEn indicating the Solar

Charger is fully charged.

do not

overcharge. (See Figure A.)
When fully charged, unplug the


AC/DC Adapter (11) from its electrical

outlet. Then unplug the Plug of the

AC/DC Adapter from the Solar Char-

ger’s Electric Current Input Recep-

tacle (6).

(See Figure A.)

to Charge the Solar Charger Battery

using Solar power:

The approximate charge time, using


solar power is

4 to 6 hours.

To charge the Battery (12) of the So-


lar Charger, open the Solar Charger

to expose the Solar Panel (8). Then

set the Solar Charger on a clean, dry

location in full sunlight.

(See Figure A.)
For increased pickup of solar en-


ergy, and to minimize the collection

of debris on the Solar Panel (8), it is

recommended that the Solar Panel

be positioned so that it points directly

at the sun.

(See Figure A.)

Performance of the Solar Charger


may vary depending on site location,

angle of the Solar Panel in relation

to the arc of the sun, and available

The Electric Current Input Lamp (1)


will illuminate

REd. In approximately

4 to 6 hours, the Lamp will illuminate

GREEn indicating the Solar Charger

is fully charged.

do not overcharge.

(See Figure A.)
When fully charged, close the Solar


Charger to keep the Solar Panel (8)

free of dirt and debris.

(See Figure A.)

to test the Circuit:

To make sure the Solar Charger is


operating properly, press the Flash-

light Switch Button (5) to see if the

LED illuminates. If it illuminates, the

circuit of the Solar Charger is oper-

ating properly. If the LED does not

illuminate, press the Circuit Reset (4).

This will reset the Solar Charger to

begin charging.

(See Figure A.)

to Charge A mobile unit:

Select the proper Plug Adapter (9) for


the mobile unit you wish to charge.

(See Figure A.)
Attach the Plug Adapter (9) to the


Connection Cord (10).

(See Figure A.)
Insert the Plug Adapter (9) into the


charging input receptacle of the mo-

bile unit.

(See Figure A.)

Insert the other end of the Connec-


tion Cord (10) into the Solar Char-

ger’s Electric Current Output Recep-

tacle (7).

(See Figure A.)