Docker, Accessory – Excalibur electronic CHESS STATION 975-3-EFG User Manual
Page 10

Model 975D
An amazing feature of the
LCD Chess, is that it can be
connected to a sensory chess
board and used with real
chess pieces. If you pur-
chased The Excalibur Chess
Station, the chess board
DOCKER was included with
the pocket LCD Chess unit.
If you purchased only the
pocket LCD Chess unit, con-
tact Excalibur Electronics to order
the DOCKER accessory.
To attach the LCD Chess to the
DOCKER, first make sure LCD
Chess is OFF. Turn the LCD Chess
upside down so the cover is nearest
you and the batteries are furthest
away. Remove the cover using your
thumb nail to pry off the cover (see
item 1, right). Now notice the cen-
tral protruding tip in the middle of
one edge of the cover. Then locate
the two small protruding dimples
on the other edge of the cover.
Insert the protruding central tip in
the slot on the back of the LCD
Chess with the edge having the two
dimples positioned next to the sil-
ver name plate (see item 2, below).
Now with one hand, place your
thumb where the protruding tip was
inserted, and two fingers on the two
dimples. Push down with your
thumb and use your two fingers to
GENTLY pull the two dimples
toward your thumb a little. This will
lock the cover into place. To
remove the cover from its storage
slot, use your thumb and finger to
work it out of its locked position.
Locate the three plastic bumps
just above the Excalibur logo on the
front of LCD Chess. Now slide the
LCD Chess into the DOCKER until
the three plastic bumps are just vis-
ible above the plastic chute of the
After you have inserted LCD
Chess into the DOCKER, set the
chess pieces (included with the
DOCKER) on their starting
squares. Use the chess board screen
of LCD Chess as a reference, in
case you are unsure where a piece
goes. Don’t forget the queen always
goes on her own color square.
Play a Game Right Away
Turn Electronic Chess on, and
using the edge of the pawn (see
diagram, left) on square E2 press at
the center of square E2.
You will see E2-__ appear on the
display of LCD Chess. Now use the
edge of the pawn to press the center
of square E4. Place the pawn on
square E4.
LCD Chess will respond with its
move by showing the from and to
square coordinates on the display.
LCD Chess will wait until you
move its piece by pressing on the
from square and then the to square.
It is now your move.
Letting LCD Chess Go First
After you make your move on the
DOCKER, LCD Chess knows you
are connected to the DOCKER. It
then will wait for you to press its
from and to squares when it moves.
But when you want LCD Chess to
go first and play the white pieces at
the top of the board, you simply
press the GO key on LCD Chess.
LCD Chess does not know you are
using the DOCKER, so it assumes
that you are not. Therefore it simply
moves its piece on the LCD Chess
board, and assumes you will make
its opening move on the DOCKER
chess board without pressing on its
from and to squares.
Turn OFF pocket LCD
Chess before inserting into
the DOCKER or removing
it from the DOCKER.