Multi-user security access, Data reliability, Historical data collection – Emerson Process Management Bristol ControlWave PAC User Manual

Page 3: Openbsi, Controlwave designer, Accol iii, Objectserver

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October 2012



Multi-User Security Access

The ControlWave PAC employs a user name/password

access system protected by a 56-bit encryption technique

through the TCP connection. There can be up to 240 users

who sign in with their user name and password. Both the

user name and the password can be up to sixteen characters

in length.
You can customize the security level for each user based on

64 access rights including the ability to read and write data

values and files via FTP, access and configure historical and

audit data information, edit configuration, run internal

diagnostics, and read and reset system status.

Data Reliability

The ControlWave PAC is designed to provide the optimum

level of data reliability using a distributed database

architecture. All data, including time stamped alarms, alarm

limits, and historical data is stored locally in non-volatile

flash memory in each ControlWave PAC.

When historical data is collected from the ControlWave

PAC, it is converted and appended to a .CSV and ODBC

compliant database. The original historical data is not

changed and is stored in the device flash memory.

Historical Data Collection

The ControlWave Historical Data Collection system provides

time-stamped historical data storage in ControlWave flash

memory. The historical data is collected through OpenBSI

software on a scheduled or on-demand basis. After the data

is collected, it is converted to CSV and ODBC compliant file

formats for use in spreadsheets and reports. If any data is

missed due to a communication failure, it is collected and

the PC historical database is backfilled when the

communication is reestablished. This distributed historical

database architecture provides data reliability and integrity

during communication or PC failure.

Another important historical feature is the audit system. The

audit logs are files stored in ControlWave flash memory that

contain significant events and time-stamped alarms. In

addition to the real-time alarm reporting system, the alarms

stored in the audit alarm log provide a reportable historical

alarm archive.

These files are collected through OpenBSI software and

presented as text files in the PC. This functionality is

extremely useful in providing an event trail during

communication interruption, PC downtime, or other system



Emerson’s OpenBSI (Open Bristol System Interface) is an

optional set of network setup, communication, diagnostic,

and data viewing software utilities for use with ControlWave

RTUs, flow computers, and controllers. At the core of

OpenBSI is the communication interface. The interface is

written as a Windows communication server API through

which other client applications communicate. OpenBSI

supports both serial BSAP protocol and Ethernet IP

communication to ControlWave devices.

ControlWave Designer

ControlWave Designer is an optional, fully IEC 61131-3

compliant programming environment for the ControlWave

PAC. ControlWave Designer includes all five IEC 61131-3

process languages for batch, continuous, and discrete

control. These languages are: Function Block Diagram,

Structured Text, Sequential Function Chart, Ladder Logic

Diagram, and Instruction List.

ControlWave Designer includes an extensive library of more

than 200 basic IEC 61131-3 functions and function blocks

common to many IEC 61131-3 based products. These


Flip-flops, counters, and timers

Ladder diagram functions – coils and contacts, etc.

Numerical, arithmetic, and Boolean functions – Sine,

Cosine, Add, Sub, Square Root, And, Or, etc.

Selection and comparison – Min, Max, Greater Than,

Equal, Less Than, etc.

Type conversions – Integer to Real, Boolean to Word,



In addition to the basic functions and function blocks,

ControlWave Designer brings the benefit of over twenty

years of SCADA and plant control experience in Emerson’s

ACCOL III function block library. ACCOL III includes over sixty

function blocks valuable for use in oil and gas, water and

waste, and process measurement and control applications.

ACCOL III is designed to take full advantage of the significant

features offered by ControlWave.

The library consists of many function blocks including:

Average, Compare, Totalize

Scheduling and Sequencing

PID and Lead/Lag

AGA Gas Flow and Liquids Calculations

File Handling


ObjectServer is an optional OPC-compliant server that

provides direct communication to the ControlWave family

of controllers, RTUs, PLCs, and flow computers through the

OpenBSI Communications Interface. ObjectServer supports

serial multi-drop, remote telemetry, and Ethernet

communication networks. Unlike traditional OPC servers,

ObjectServer provides reliable access to RTUs that are

connected via low-bandwidth, high-latency, and poor-

quality networks such as radio, satellite, and cellular
