Managing your media – Escient EWP-2000 V2 User Manual
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EWP-2000 V2 User’s Manual
Escient makes every attempt to insure that the preloaded Internet Radio
Stations are alive and well, but due to the dynamic nature of the Internet and
the third parties who actually serve up these radio streams, sometimes you
will not be able to play a station. The “Tune Stations” feature allows you to
download a list of the most recent Internet Radio stations from Escient.
Note: Tune Stations WILL NOT erase any custom stations you may have added,
from your Radio Guide. It WILL replace the Escient supplied stations with a fresh
new list.
If you want to replace the current Internet Radio Stations with a new list of
stations, follow these steps:
1. Select the Radio source button to make sure you are in the Radio
2. Select the OPTIONS button to display the Options Menu
3. Select the Tune Stations menu item.
4. Read the WARNING screen and select Tune Stations to proceed.
5. FireBall will Connect to the Escient server and download the latest
Internet Radio Stations.
When you are finished Tuning the Stations, the Radio Guide is displayed
showing only the new Internet Radio Stations and any user added stations.
Managing Your Media