Index – Epson 9300i User Manual
Page 137

A/V Mute, 63 to 64
A/V Mute button, 57
About menu, 105, 111
Accessories, 14, 118
Air filter, cleaning and replacing, 101 to 102
Anti-theft device, 14, 17
Aspect ratio, 123
adjusting tone, 73
adjusting volume, 59, 73
problems, troubleshooting, 116
turning off (using A/V Mute), 57
Bass, adjusting, 73
Battery, installing, 54
Blank screen, 39
Blurry image, 115
Brightness, 9, 123
Brightness setting, 68
A/V, 12 to 14, 20
audio, 12 to 14, 33
computer, 12 to 14, 26 to 31
mouse, 31
USB, 13, 31
video, 12 to 14, 20
Capturing image, 63 to 64
Ceiling mount, 14, 119 to 121
air filter, 101 to 102
lens, 100
projector, 100
Communication setup options, 76 to 77
Component video
cable, 20
selecting input signal, 23, 75
Composite (RCA) video cable, 20
Computer connector pin assignments, 125
Computers supported, 126 to 127
Connecting projector
to audio source, 33
to computer, 26 to 31
to external monitor, 32
to speakers, 34
to video equipment, 20 to 25
Connector pin assignments, 125
Contrast setting, 68
Declaration of Conformity, 132
Default settings, restoring, 67
Desktop adapter, Macintosh, 30
Different image on notebook and screen,
Distance from projector to screen, 16, 123
Drawing on the screen, 60 to 61
DVI cable, 14, 29
installing software, 82 to 83
monitoring projector, 9, 81 to 96
Electrical specifications, 124
E-mail notification, 92 to 96
EMP Monitor
changing monitoring interval, 91
installing software, 82 to 83
using, 86 to 91
EMP NetworkManager