Lsi logic confidential – Avago Technologies MegaRAID SATA 150-4 (523) User Manual
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LSI Logic Confidential
Copyright © 1998-2003 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The
information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties
without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.
Document DB09-000127-00, First Edition (November 2003)
This document describes the creation of RAID 50 volumes with LSI Logic
Corporation’s MegaRAID Serial ATA 150-4 and 150-6 adapters and will remain
the official reference source for all revisions/releases of these products until
rescinded by an update.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein
at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or
liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein,
except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or
use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights,
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Copyright © 1998-2003 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
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