Magnetic Products Metal Shark 1 User Manual
Cassel, Sharknet® 2, 1and 2 controllers

P.O. Box 529
683 Town Center Dr.
Highland, MI 48357 USA
P 800.544.5930
F 248.887.6100
Magnetic Products, Inc.
Protecting and Moving the World through Innovation
metal detectors protect your product from damage caused by metal
contaminants. Committed to the highest standards of excellence,
MPI’s goal, together with Cassel, is to ensure the quality of our customers’ products by
providing the most reliable, sensitive and easy-to-use metal detectors in the world.
Because Cassel metal detectors are so user-friendly, manufacturers can enjoy the
benefits of the metal detector immediately after installation. Cassel’s straight-forward
operating system quickly guides users through the steps needed to set up and operate
the metal detector. Cassel’s integrated Metal Shark
1 and Metal Shark
2 controllers are
designed for intuitive operation, making Cassel metal detectors among the simplest and
easiest to operate. Technical personnel are not required to operate the metal detector.
Extremely reliable and technologically superb, Cassel metal detectors boast the
latest four-channel DDS (direct digital synthesizer) and DSP (digital signal processing)
technology. State-of-the-art digital technology eliminates costly maintenance. Once set,
the metal detector will not require further adjustment from the manufacturer, cutting
the cost of ownership. Cassel’s exclusive four-quadrant technology provides extreme
sensitivity that far surpasses the reach of competitive products.
Detailed in this brochure are:
MPI is the exclusive North American distributor for Cassel metal detectors, X-ray detection
systems and checkweighers for the food, pharmaceutical, plastics, aggregate, recycling
and mining industries. Cassel has installed over 5,000 metal detectors worldwide.
Metal Detector Controller Options
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Magnets, Metal Control
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Magnet Man
Magnetic Products, Inc.
Based in southeastern
Michigan, MPI is a
worldwide provider of both
magnetic and nonmagnetic
material handling solutions.
MPI leads the industry by
continually engineering
inventive magnetic
equipment and advancing
customer education,
through significant
investments in research and
development and proactive
product training.
For over 30 years, MPI has
implemented a business
model that combines
technologically superior
equipment with industry-
leading customer service.
MPI interacts closely with
its customers and expands
its offerings to meet the
changes of a dynamic
marketplace. Visit