Magnetic Products ECS Series User Manual
Eddy current separators (ecs series)

Magnetic Products, Inc.
683 Town Center Drive,
Highland, MI 48357
Tel: 248-887-5600
Email: [email protected] • Website:
Eddy Current Separators (ECS Series)
Commingled material is fed onto the conveyor belt of the eddy current separator. The material is conveyed over a spinning magnetic rotor where separation occurs.
The two streams of material discharge over and away from the separator. The main component of MPI's Eddy Current Separator (ECS Series) is the magnetic rotor
which uses a series of permanent Rare Earth magnets mounted to a plate which, in turn, are attached to the motor driven shaft. These magnets are covered by a
fiberglass shell with ceramic tiles that reduce wear and allow the conveyor belt to ride over them. The magnetic rotor spins independently and at a much faster rate
than the conveyor belt pulley. When product such as aluminum passes over the shell, the spinning magnets inside the shell generate an eddy current in the aluminum,
thus, creating a magnetic field around the piece of aluminum. The polarity of the magnetic field of the aluminum is the same as the rotating magnets, which causes 1)
the aluminum to be repelled away from the separator beyond the product flow trajectory and 2) separation of the aluminum from the rest of the product being conveyed.
Product such as plastic, glass or other process materials simply fall off the end of the separator.
Eddy Current Separators (ECS) can be used wherever nonferrous metals have to be recovered or separated. Common applications include:
• Trash and Municipal Waste Processing
• Auto Shredding
• Beverage Can Sorting
• Glass and Foundry Sand Recovery
• Window Recycling
• Plastic Recycling
• Scrap Wood Recycling
Maximum strength
• nonconductive, corrosion resistant drum shelf
• ultra high-strength magnetic rotor provides maximum efficiency
• high throughput for high yield
• highest grade of permanent Rare Earth magnet material ensures maximum field strength -- magnets will not demagnetize
• large motor spins magnetic rotor at high speeds
• fixed rotor motor speed allows optimum separation
• high sorting accuracy
Easy operation
• magnetic rotor and drive are balanced for trouble-free operation
• control unit integrated onto machinery
• "V" groove tracking with flexible sidewalls for accurate belt tracking
• easy-to-operate control panel with main circuit switch, "start-stop" push buttons, emergency stop button and indicator lights. NEMA 4 enclosure
• access doors for easy inspection and maintenance
• UHMW side edge keeps burden material confined to belt
Maximum durability
• oversized rotor bearings
• tough urethane belt
• thermo-welded cleats move burden efficiently, reducing belt wear
• control panel with soft start and programmable breaking with AC inverter
• composite shell coated in corrosion resistant material
Magnetic Rotor and Drive
• Contains the highest grade of permanent Rare Earth magnet material; will not de-magnetize
• Oversize rotor bearings for longer life
• Balanced for a smooth trouble free operation
• Optional wear-resistant ceramic coating on fiberglass shell
• Large motor spins the magnetic rotor at high speed
• Fixed rotor motor speed for optimum separation
Conveyor Belt and Drive
• Urethane belt for high wear resistance
• “V” groove tracking with flexible sidewalls for positive belt tracking
• Thermowelded cleats move burden efficiently, reducing belt wear
• Fixed speed motor producing 200 fpm belt speed
Motor Control Panel
• Easy-to-operate with main circuit switch, “start/stop” push buttons, emergency stop button, and indicator lights
• NEMA 4 enclosure
• Soft start and programmable breaking with AC inverter
Separator Housing
• Access doors for easy inspection/maintenance
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